Order of shots:
- Long shot of male sitting on the stall but off centre a little. This is to be done in the white studio, All light so we can emphasis the male.
- A close up of the males feet to emphasis that they are tied up, to make the spectator wonder why he is sitting there. You hear sounds from the male but cant quite recognize what he is saying.
- A fast dissolve to another behind shot of a male sitting at a desk with many things scattered on it. You don't yet see any faces to keep the spectator guessing. A black screen with a duration of around 2 seconds appears to show the spectator the titles, like a subliminal message but with names on as titles.
- Flickers to another shot, in which you see the males feet from the side, the shot will gradually circle the character until you get to the face. But this does not happen all at once as through out this, there is flickering images of other things, E.g. the male at the table.
- A birds eye view of the male sitting at the table, gives the spectator a sense of what the male is doing, where you will see a lighter, a knife and a rope, and a large blank A3 sheet with some child's pens. This shot should only last about 2 seconds or less.
- This shot is still gradually getting to the characters face. Hearing him singing a song.
- A side view of the character sitting at the table, should only last a few seconds. The spectator is kept guessing what the character is doing
- This shot is nearly revealing the characters face.
- Another shot of the character on the table, you now see him scribbling some sort of picture, keeps the spectator in suspense and wondering what is happening.
- The spectator never sees the characters face but sees the top of his head, this keeps the spectator unaware of who the characters are.
- The character at the table is scribbling and concentrating hard on his picture. The spectator is now wondering what the the character is doing and why,
- The last shot cuts to an empty blank hall way, you see in the distance a dark door, The door slowly opens to reveal the room and the man slowly walks out. END OF SHOTS
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